Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One month older!!!

It's a little past her actual four month old date but yay! Anna is four months (plus).  I remember a friend from church telling me that even though she loves them always, four months to nine months is her very favorite ages of her kids.  I can totally see why.  Anna is getting so much personality and I've said it before but it continues to be true: she gets more fun every day.  It's been so wonderful to see her grow from a newborn to an infant.  We just love her so much.

A few four month facts about Miss Anna:

She is holding her head up like a champ.  She's been doing this for a while but she's still getting stronger and stronger every day.

She tries to sit up but it just looks like shes doing crunches. I think she'll be sitting up in no time.

She loves her hands.  She looks like she's plotting some evil scheme when she plays with them.

She has discovered her feet. She loves to lay on her playmate and play with them. She turns into a little stinkbug.

She's laughing and smiling a lot.  It's so fun to watch because when she smiles or laughs, it's like a whole body reaction.  Her hands come in and her head tilts and if she's laying down, her feet come up.  It's the best thing ever.

She loves to look around.  If we are at a store or out somewhere, she loves to have the cover off of the car seat or be out of it looking around.  If not, she gets fussy.  Also, sometimes when we feed her, we have to take her into a dark room to be able to focus on eating, otherwise, she is way too distracted.

She loves to look at herself in the mirror and see how cute she is.  If she gets fussy, taking her to the mirror and letting her look at herself calms her down.

She's still a great sleeper.  She's sleeping around 8-10 hours at a time during the nights.  Great for everybody involved.

She loves to have things over her face.  She has a blanket that we call the magic blanket.  If we put her on it and flip it up over her forehead to make her a fort face, she'll fall right asleep.  She will also bring toys up to her face and snuggle up to them.

She loves her family and friends and is very social.  Over Christmas, we were fortunate enough to be able to spend two weeks with each of our families.  I don't know who had a better time, the family who was able to spoil her or her who was very spoiled.  .

She still hates tummy time.  It's her greatest weakness.  She'll cry and cry and cry until we flip her back over.

She has a great little voice and loves to say her "a-goos".  She loves to hear herself and will ramble quite loudly for quite a long time.

She LOVES the tv. If she is not facing it, she'll try and turn her head and look at it. (See the first picture for an example.) Her favorite is Baby Einstein.  She goes crazy for it when its on. We're very careful to not let the tv be our babysitter but she would love nothing more than to watch it all day.

She had her four month check up today with the doctor and did great.  She weighs 14 lbs 9.5oz (63rd percentile), height 26 inches (93rd percentile) and her head is 16.85 inches (87th percentile).

And now pictures and some videos:

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