Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Six months!!!

Our little lady is a half a year old...
...and growing up can be exhausting.  


She loves tags.  If we give her any toy with a tag, she'll find it and play with it.  

If her pacifier is hooked to her, she has learned how to grab it and turn it the right way and put it in her mouth.  

She hasn't mastered eating solids.  We're working on it.

She's a busy body.  She always has to be doing something. Playing with something, reaching for something grabbing something.  If you're holding her and she sees something she wants she'll lunge for it.    

She is becoming very vocal.  She's started to say her ba ba bas.

She's sitting up like a champ.

She's a champion sleeper.  She's in bed by 7:00pm and will sleep until 7am with two naps during the day. 

One of our favorite things is that she's easily amused.  She'll laugh and squeal over any little thing, especially in the morning right after she wakes up.  It's the greatest thing ever. 

Sometimes we even dress alike.  This was totally by chance too.  I got dressed then got her dressed and noticed hey we're matchy matchy.  


  1. Sure do love that Anna and she's getting more darling everyday!

  2. I love that girl! I can't wait to see you guys soon!
