Friday, October 7, 2011

Anna pics...

I had big plans for this blog.  I had big plans to take lots and lots of pictures and post all the time to keep family and friends updated on how cute our little Anna is.  I was unaware, however, of one huge piece of information.  Do you know that newborns take up a LOT of time?  I didn't before but now I do.  We are having so much fun and I have not found anytime to realize my big blog plans.  Before any more time slips away, here are some pictures and facts about our Anna Banana.  

She has the cutest profile.  I sit and stare at her when I feed her wondering how someone could be so cute.  

She also makes very cute sad faces.  

And funny faces in general.  

There is nothing more peaceful than watching her sleep.  

We got out of the house and took a couple of family pictures.  Thanks Frannie!

She LOVES having her hands on her face.  Even in the womb with ultrasounds, we were never able to really get a good view of her face because she was always covering it with her hands. 

She is on her own sleeping schedule.  This picture was taken at about 4am.  She was wide awake and ready to party.

She is like Houdini and will break out of even the tightest swaddle we put her in. Gotta have those hands by the face.  

 She's got a great set of lungs and she's not afraid to let us know when she's not happy.  Is it bad that this is one of my favorite pics of her?  That profile cracks me up.  

She is generally a very content and happy baby.  She is having more and more times where she is awake and alert and looking around. She'll also make funny sounds.  Every so often she'll bark like a dog and she does this honk/snort thing that is hilarious.  We love her so much.  Our lives are significantly better now that she's here.  

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